Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sakuracon 2011

Just got back from Sakuracon 2011 in Seattle, WA--the northwest's biggest Japanese culture / anime convention evidently. It was a pretty crazy experience, I found out I'm not as much of an otaku as I thought I was. The people there were insane with their anime / cosplay character knowledge, definitely way out of my league. The convention was a weird experience also as I spent the entire time shooting video. I don't even know what the insides of the exhibition hall / gaming area look like. I probably should have actually dedicated some time to relaxing and hanging out instead of making it feel like I was working the event. Saw lots of crazy stuff, took tons of video--around 20gbs of 720p video.

Feeling pretty tired and sore after lugging around the ~15lb camera setup all weekend... but, now it's time to sift through the clips, start editing, and get out the first release. Should be a fun time.

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